Patient Testimonials
Recovered & Riding Again
68-year-old Robert Shatwell was a lifelong cycling enthusiast with sixty years in the saddle. He liked to put ten miles beneath the wheels of his cycle most days until painful knee joints threatened to put a premature end to his active recreational lifestyle for good.
‘Before I had the operation in March 2012 I could hardly walk, let alone ride a bike,’ Mr Shatwell recalls. ‘Both knees were bad and I was in so much pain it was all I could do to walk around to the local shop.’

‘I could hardly walk, let alone ride a bike’
Fortunately, Mr Shatwell was referred with NHS funding to Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon Mr Paul Trikha FRCS of Runnymede Hospital. ‘There are three aspects to the success of any knee replacement,’ explains Mr Trikha, ‘good surgery, a motivated patient, and the correct implant. I choose the MatOrtho® Medial Rotation KneeTM (MRKTM) because it moves like a normal knee.’
Thanks to Mr Trikha and the Medial Rotation KneeTM, Mr Shatwell was off his crutches within a week of the operation. ‘By the time I went back to see Mr Trikha I was marching like a guardsman,’ relates Mr Shatwell proudly. ‘In fact, after the operation on my right knee, my left knee doesn’t have to compensate so that pain has gone as well.
Mr Shatwell was back on his bike only six weeks after surgery, and by eight weeks he was back to his former daily ride of between three and 10 miles.
‘I now feel 40 rather than nearly 70years old’
‘I didn’t expect to be back cycling so quickly’ he remarks. ‘I was expecting a recovery time of around nine or even 12 months – I’m delighted!’
MatOrtho® would like to congratulate Mr Shatwell on his quick recovery and wish him many active years with his new knee.
Other Patient Testimonials

‘I’m still BASE Jumping’
It's hard to believe that 80-years-young extreme sports expert Eric Jones has ever had a day's illness in his life, yet this inspirational gentleman was literally brought to his knees by pain following the effects of a motorcycle accident some years ago.

‘Before my knee replacements, I could barely walk….Now I climb mountains!’
John was physiotherapist for The All-England Club Wimbledon Championships for 35 years. So it must have come as a shock to someone so dedicated to helping others maintain peak fitness to be struck down himself by debilitating pain in both knees.